In accordance with Article 22 of Executive Decree No. 02-65 of 6 February 2002
the operator is required to carry out a study describing the dangers that the installation may present in the event of an accident and justifying the measures likely to reduce the probability and the effects, determined under the operator's responsibility. This study will specify the consistency and the organization of the private means of rescue which the plaintiff disposes or of which he assured the assistance with a view to combating the effects of a possible disaster;
Thus, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the risks of danger that the exploitation may present and to foresee the measures likely to reduce the probability and the effects of these risks as well as the organization of the means of rescue.
In this study :
Company of Studies, Follow-up of realization and Expertise in the fields of Mines & Quarries, Building Materials and Environment.
Saboundji building n ° 10 -RN 24 - Boumerdès Algeria
Tél : +213 24 79 93 41
TéléFax : +213 24 79 93 40
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+213 661 650 761
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BP N ° 65 City Frantz Fanon - Boumerdès 35,000 - Algeria